The Eclipse

Cosmina - Catrinel Berta
2 min readJun 17, 2021


Well, it was weird. Everybody was there to look at the sky. What was going on? It was like the Aurora Borealis appeared in the sky and was mesmerizing everybody. Ms. Schmidt, who brought her opera glasses to see the sky better, said she knew something weird will happen, because her cat (she had it in her purse, poor animal) hadn‘t slept at all the night before and kept her awake with her meows. Mr. Hendricks said that was bullshit. It was clear as daylight that the green little men were invading the earth. He couldn’t wait, he hated everyone anyway, and wanted to extend his feelings to the rest of the universe.

Mr. Johanns had his hands in his pockets. His pockets were empty anyway, he only had debts and was waiting smiling for the end of the world. At least it was going to be spactacular. Wenn schon denn schon.

Ms. Sinsel was apalled. Can’t you see? God is trying to tell us something. He is going to punish us especially because her neighbor was having an affair. That bitch. And also the baker added 50 cents more for a pound of bread. The earth was full of horrors and everyone will pay for their sins.

The light grew darker.

Hearts beat faster.

Eyes grew bigger.

Legs were shaking.


It is going to happen right now.

